Home sweet home!!!!
today i ade kat umah tau tapi jap ag nk balik umah sewa da...
mcm xnk balik
tapi keja belambak ar.... tention2 hehehe...
ishk menda nie xmasuk pon ngn topic i nk cite
che chite che cite (kak limah)

nk kate broken heart pon x...
no declareration between us...citer ni da lame mase high school dulu
tetiba lak nk feeling kat sini... hehee...
i nie pelik tau... always minat kat org tapi silent
huwaaa.... malu siot kang tetiba
i luah kat die... but been rejected
frust menonggeng nanti
menangis air mata darah pon xguna
ego owg laki memang tinggi
(alah pompuan same jer)....
ntahla idup nie kalau xde cbarn mane besh kan?
taste owg laki pon tinggi3
ofcos la nk yg cantik... :P
i pon nk yg handsome huhuhu...
daydream jer aku nie hahaha...
kekadang die ok kekadang die emo...
how can i accept dat situation?
kekadang bagi hint kekadang xbg....
tetiba msg then berbulan3 xde kabar berita... haishhh
mcm mane nk expect keadaan die tuh?
da la pelik... yg pelik tu yg aku nk
da weirdo person...
tapi ape kan daya aku hanya dapat meliht dari jauh
pergh ayat xlei blah!!! hahahah...
yg paling aku geram nye
bile die buat muke emo die tuh mula ar aku nk naik bengang
nk terajang jer muka die
nanti biar lenyek muka die... hahahha
yg u tetiba hot nie pesal?
hahah tetiba feeling plak... die xtau menahu pon feeling u kat die...
urm itu lah pasl...
tapi kan yg pelik... everything about his personal matter
i sowg jer tau..itu yg musykil...
until now i still contact ngn die.. tapi urm hampeh lah
berbulan3 satu jer msg or cal..
tapi when its time come bile die msg tiap3 hari
smpi xcukup tgn nk reply... n ade satu hari tu
berborak dlm tepon smpi xigt dunia... haishhh
so pelik kan3
dah minat kt owg mcm tuh nk buat mcm mane redha jer la
when the come n goes by...
i will fine my true love insyaallah...
everything had been stated
just wait n see...
dats oll 4 2day la...
nanti ade kelapangn i wrote again...
(xtau bile plak free) heheheh


tapi keja belambak ar.... tention2 hehehe...
ishk menda nie xmasuk pon ngn topic i nk cite
che chite che cite (kak limah)

nk kate broken heart pon x...
no declareration between us...citer ni da lame mase high school dulu
tetiba lak nk feeling kat sini... hehee...
i nie pelik tau... always minat kat org tapi silent
huwaaa.... malu siot kang tetiba
i luah kat die... but been rejected
frust menonggeng nanti
menangis air mata darah pon xguna

ego owg laki memang tinggi
(alah pompuan same jer)....
ntahla idup nie kalau xde cbarn mane besh kan?
taste owg laki pon tinggi3
ofcos la nk yg cantik... :P
i pon nk yg handsome huhuhu...

kekadang die ok kekadang die emo...
how can i accept dat situation?
kekadang bagi hint kekadang xbg....
tetiba msg then berbulan3 xde kabar berita... haishhh

mcm mane nk expect keadaan die tuh?
da la pelik... yg pelik tu yg aku nk
da weirdo person...
tapi ape kan daya aku hanya dapat meliht dari jauh
pergh ayat xlei blah!!! hahahah...
yg paling aku geram nye
bile die buat muke emo die tuh mula ar aku nk naik bengang
nk terajang jer muka die

yg u tetiba hot nie pesal?
hahah tetiba feeling plak... die xtau menahu pon feeling u kat die...
urm itu lah pasl...
tapi kan yg pelik... everything about his personal matter
i sowg jer tau..itu yg musykil...
until now i still contact ngn die.. tapi urm hampeh lah
berbulan3 satu jer msg or cal..
tapi when its time come bile die msg tiap3 hari
smpi xcukup tgn nk reply... n ade satu hari tu
berborak dlm tepon smpi xigt dunia... haishhh
so pelik kan3

dah minat kt owg mcm tuh nk buat mcm mane redha jer la
when the come n goes by...
i will fine my true love insyaallah...
everything had been stated
just wait n see...

dats oll 4 2day la...
nanti ade kelapangn i wrote again...
(xtau bile plak free) heheheh